Structural DNA helical parameters from MD trajectory tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

Based on the NAFlex server and in particular in its Nucleic Acids Analysis section.

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of extracting structural and dynamical properties from a DNA MD trajectory helical parameters, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Drew Dickerson Dodecamer sequence -CGCGAATTCGCG- (PDB code 1BNA, The trajectory used is a 500ns-long MD simulation taken from the BigNASim database (NAFlex_DDD_II entry).


Biobb modules used

  • biobb_dna: Tools to analyse DNA structures and MD trajectories.

Auxiliary libraries used

  • jupyter: Free software, open standards, and web services for interactive computing across all programming languages.

  • matplotlib: Comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.

Conda Installation & Launch

git clone
cd biobb_wf_dna_helparms
conda env create -f conda_env/environment.yml
conda activate biobb_dna_helparms_tutorial
jupyter-notebook biobb_wf_dna_helparms/notebooks/biobb_dna_helparms_tutorial.ipynb

Pipeline steps

  1. Input Parameters

  2. Running Curves+ and Canal

  3. Average Helical Parameters

    1. Base Pair Step (Inter Base Pair) Parameters

    2. Base Pair (Intra Base Pair) Parameters

    3. Axis Parameters

    4. Grooves

    5. Backbone Torsions

  4. Time Series Helical Parameters

  5. Stiffness

  6. Bimodality

  7. Correlations

    1. Sequence Correlations: Intra-base pairs

    2. Sequence Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

    3. Helical Parameter Correlations: Intra-base pairs

    4. Helical Parameter Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

    5. Neighboring steps Correlations: Intra-base pairs

    6. Neighboring steps Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

  8. Questions & Comments

Bioexcel2 logo

# Auxiliary libraries

import os
import shutil
import glob
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
import zipfile
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Image
import ipywidgets

Input parameters

Input parameters needed:

  • seq: Sequence of the DNA structure (e.g. CGCGAATTCGCG)

  • seq_comp: Complementary sequence of the given DNA structure (e.g. CGCGAATTCGCG)

  • traj: Trajectory for a 500ns Drew Dickerson Dodecamer MD simulation (taken from BigNASim)

  • top: Associated topology for the MD trajectory

# Input parameters
seq_comp = "CGCGAATTCGCG"

traj = "TRAJ/"
top = "TRAJ/"

# Auxiliary lists
grooves = ('majd','majw','mind','minw')
axis_base_pairs = ('inclin','tip','xdisp','ydisp')
base_pair = ('shear','stretch','stagger','buckle','propel','opening')
base_pair_step = ('rise','roll','twist','shift','slide','tilt')
backbone_torsions = ('alphaC', 'alphaW', 'betaC', 'betaW', 'gammaC', 'gammaW', 'deltaC', 'deltaW', \
'epsilC', 'epsilW', 'zetaC', 'zetaW', 'chiC', 'chiW', 'phaseC', 'phaseW')

Running Curves+ and Canal

Curves+ program and its associated Canal tool allow us to extract helical parameters from a DNA MD simulation.

Curves+ is a nucleic acid conformational analysis program which provides both helical and backbone parameters, including a curvilinear axis and parameters relating the position of the bases to this axis. It additionally provides a full analysis of groove widths and depths. Curves+ can also be used to analyse molecular dynamics trajectories. With the help of the accompanying program Canal, it is possible to produce a variety of graphical output including parameter variations along a given structure and time series or histograms of parameter variations during dynamics.

Conformational analysis of nucleic acids revisited: Curves+
R. Lavery, M. Moakher, J. H. Maddocks, D. Petkeviciute, K. Zakrzewska
Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 37, Issue 17, 1 September 2009, Pages 5917–5929

CURVES+ web server for analyzing and visualizing the helical, backbone and groove parameters of nucleic acid structure.
C. Blanchet, M. Pasi, K. Zakrzewska, R. Lavery
Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 39, Issue suppl_2, 1 July 2011, Pages W68–W73

Building Blocks used:

  • curves from biobb_dna.curvesplus.biobb_curves

  • canal from biobb_dna.curvesplus.biobb_canal

The extraction of helical parameters is then done in two steps:

  • Step 1: Curves+: Reading input MD trajectory and analysing helical parameters.

  • Step 2: Canal: Taking Curves+ output and generating time series and/or histograms of parameter variations during dynamics.

Step 1: Curves+

Curves+ program needs a trajectory and its associated topology, and a couple of ranges, informing about the numeration of the two DNA strands: s1range and s2range.

Important: Depending on the operating system used, the cell below can return an error about a missing .curvesplus folder. In this case, please copy the .curvesplus folder provided in the repository and copy it into the /path/to/anaconda3/envs/biobb_dna_helparms_tutorial folder in your computer.
from biobb_dna.curvesplus.biobb_curves import biobb_curves

curves_out_lis = "curves.out.lis"
curves_out_cda = "curves.out.cda"

prop = {
    's1range' : '1:12',
    's2range' : '24:13'


Step 2: Canal

Canal program needs the output of the previous Curves+ execution, and is able to produce time series (series property) and histograms (histo property) for the parameter variations during dynamics.

from biobb_dna.curvesplus.biobb_canal import biobb_canal

canal_out = ""

prop = {
    'series' : True,
    'histo' : True


Extracting Canal results in a temporary folder

canal_dir = "canal_out"

if Path(canal_dir).exists(): shutil.rmtree(canal_dir) 

with zipfile.ZipFile(canal_out, 'r') as zip_ref:

Extracting Average Helical Parameters

Average helical parameter values can be computed from the output of Curves+/Canal execution.

The helical parameters can be divided in 5 main blocks:

Helical Base Pair Step (Inter Base Pair) Parameters

Translational (Shift, Slide, Rise) and rotational (Tilt, Roll, Twist) parameters related to a dinucleotide Inter-Base Pair (Base Pair Step).

  • Shift: Translation around the X-axis.

  • Slide: Translation around the Y-axis.

  • Rise: Translation around the Z-axis.

  • Tilt: Rotation around the X-axis.

  • Roll: Rotation around the Y-axis.

  • Twist: Rotation around the Z-axis.

Helical Base Pair Step Parameters

Building Block used:

Extracting a particular Helical Parameter: Rise

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_averages import dna_averages

helpar = 'rise'

input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
output_averages_jpg_path= helpar+'.averages.jpg'

prop = {
    'helpar_name': helpar,
    'sequence': seq


Showing the calculated average values for Rise helical parameter

output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(output_averages_csv_path)
Base Pair Step mean std
0 GC 3.470550 0.377972
1 CG 2.978038 0.454661
2 GA 3.377096 0.408705
3 AA 3.363942 0.378155
4 AT 3.444138 0.355242
5 TT 3.374110 0.376290
6 TC 3.370114 0.411934
7 CG 2.982740 0.454215
8 GC 3.464096 0.390428

Plotting the average values for Rise helical parameter

Image(filename=output_averages_jpg_path,width = 600)


Computing average values from all base-pair step parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_averages import dna_averages

for helpar in base_pair_step:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    output_averages_jpg_path= helpar+'.averages.jpg'

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq


Showing the calculated average values for all base-pair step helical parameters

for helpar in base_pair_step:
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(output_averages_csv_path)
    print("Helical Parameter: " + helpar)
Helical Parameter: rise
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC  3.470550  0.377972
1             CG  2.978038  0.454661
2             GA  3.377096  0.408705
3             AA  3.363942  0.378155
4             AT  3.444138  0.355242
5             TT  3.374110  0.376290
6             TC  3.370114  0.411934
7             CG  2.982740  0.454215
8             GC  3.464096  0.390428

Helical Parameter: roll
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC -4.192414  8.331507
1             CG  9.446606  9.363419
2             GA  1.852456  8.644153
3             AA  0.536582  7.624018
4             AT -3.163010  7.237972
5             TT  0.534468  7.656334
6             TC  2.127450  8.682155
7             CG  9.585186  9.365877
8             GC -4.021720  8.647046

Helical Parameter: twist
  Base Pair Step       mean       std
0             GC  34.088546  4.816438
1             CG  32.326028  6.989191
2             GA  35.500510  5.637390
3             AA  35.972860  4.838027
4             AT  32.721506  3.618198
5             TT  36.053014  4.974014
6             TC  35.610722  5.545855
7             CG  32.319386  6.922376
8             GC  34.228190  4.863295

Helical Parameter: shift
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC  0.269898  1.002226
1             CG  0.261994  1.120109
2             GA -0.568252  0.924852
3             AA -0.303916  0.701930
4             AT  0.003008  0.560834
5             TT  0.320328  0.700562
6             TC  0.573412  0.934916
7             CG -0.315024  1.130856
8             GC -0.220348  0.982379

Helical Parameter: slide
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC -0.207536  0.492641
1             CG  0.121372  0.560931
2             GA -0.023312  0.648352
3             AA -0.502846  0.563088
4             AT -0.963374  0.396783
5             TT -0.510682  0.556494
6             TC -0.011398  0.648248
7             CG  0.135720  0.561489
8             GC -0.242346  0.509866

Helical Parameter: tilt
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC  0.788582  5.737113
1             CG  2.352174  6.790473
2             GA -2.433898  5.987960
3             AA -2.723502  5.435644
4             AT  0.072902  4.969859
5             TT  2.780530  5.351470
6             TC  2.466076  5.965965
7             CG -2.520270  6.909690
8             GC -0.519486  5.749269

Plotting the average values for all base-pair step helical parameters

images = []
for helpar in base_pair_step:
    images.append(helpar + '.averages.jpg')

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(40, 20))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    y = i%3
    x = int(i/3)

    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[x,y].imshow(img, aspect='auto')


Helical Base Pair (Intra Base Pair) Parameters

Translational (Shear, Stretch, Stagger) and rotational (Buckle, Propeller, Opening) parameters related to a dinucleotide Intra-Base Pair.

  • Shear: Translation around the X-axis.

  • Stretch: Translation around the Y-axis.

  • Stagger: Translation around the Z-axis.

  • Buckle: Rotation around the X-axis.

  • Propeller: Rotation around the Y-axis.

  • Opening: Rotation around the Z-axis.

Helical Base Pair Parameters

Building Block used:

Computing average values from all base-pair parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_averages import dna_averages

for helpar in base_pair:

    #input_file_path = canal_out + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    output_averages_jpg_path= helpar+'.averages.jpg'

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq


Showing the calculated average values for all base-pair helical parameters

for helpar in base_pair:
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(output_averages_csv_path)
    print("Helical Parameter: " + helpar)
Helical Parameter: shear
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G -0.049992  0.437419
1          C -0.066120  0.428450
2          G  0.033414  0.438027
3          A  0.192408  0.393915
4          A  0.181268  0.382112
5          T -0.187710  0.394140
6          T -0.209416  0.391508
7          C -0.021976  0.444251
8          G  0.061500  0.432066
9          C  0.033314  0.430674

Helical Parameter: stretch
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G  0.021910  0.154373
1          C  0.057128  0.146271
2          G  0.089684  0.162121
3          A  0.073182  0.155722
4          A  0.043370  0.154155
5          T  0.046586  0.151565
6          T  0.072776  0.159554
7          C  0.088406  0.164430
8          G  0.060682  0.149506
9          C  0.026160  0.148136

Helical Parameter: stagger
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G  0.270900  0.531987
1          C  0.190716  0.524902
2          G -0.030574  0.514709
3          A  0.094458  0.515384
4          A  0.123512  0.511518
5          T  0.111454  0.501179
6          T  0.094714  0.513247
7          C -0.052344  0.516656
8          G  0.187962  0.520935
9          C  0.245116  0.527218

Helical Parameter: buckle
  Base Pair       mean        std
0          G -2.011124  10.957743
1          C -2.108248  10.706547
2          G  7.351526  11.411534
3          A  6.094836  11.016860
4          A  2.021262   9.824963
5          T -1.932570   9.869768
6          T -6.454566  10.888373
7          C -7.332888  11.269869
8          G  1.551400  10.722523
9          C  1.740906  10.696502

Helical Parameter: propel
  Base Pair        mean        std
0          G  -8.589338  13.487527
1          C  -3.200962  12.673929
2          G  -4.877606  12.107475
3          A -15.895916  11.463353
4          A -17.740540  11.053182
5          T -17.600944  10.901201
6          T -15.934650  11.522282
7          C  -3.809752  12.151864
8          G  -3.145238  12.632066
9          C  -8.300600  13.082747

Helical Parameter: opening
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G  0.519980  4.990688
1          C  0.727574  4.801118
2          G  2.788520  5.011118
3          A  2.696966  6.306307
4          A  2.434002  5.929345
5          T  2.367904  5.751322
6          T  2.837478  6.282682
7          C  2.813492  5.139189
8          G  0.822494  4.850359
9          C  0.483850  4.838646

Plotting the average values for all base-pair helical parameters

images = []
for helpar in base_pair:
    images.append(helpar + '.averages.jpg')

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(40, 20))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    y = i%3
    x = int(i/3)

    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[x,y].imshow(img, aspect='auto')


Axis Base Pair Parameters

Translational (x/y-displacement) and rotational (inclination, tip) parameters related to a dinucleotide Base Pair.

  • X-displacement: Translation around the X-axis.

  • Y-displacement: Translation around the Y-axis.

  • Inclination: Rotation around the X-axis.

  • Tip: Rotation around the Y-axis.

Axis Base Pair Parameters

Building Block used:

Computing average values from all Axis base-pair parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_averages import dna_averages

for helpar in axis_base_pairs:

    #input_file_path = canal_out + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    output_averages_jpg_path= helpar+'.averages.jpg'

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq,
#        'seqpos': [4,3]


Showing the calculated average values for all Axis base-pair helical parameters

for helpar in axis_base_pairs:
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(output_averages_csv_path)
    print("Helical Parameter: " + helpar)
Helical Parameter: inclin
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G  6.041284  6.230831
1          C  5.410818  5.944490
2          G  5.825528  5.359376
3          A  2.924440  5.031021
4          A  0.346356  4.709278
5          T  0.460490  4.744693
6          T  3.120780  5.069334
7          C  6.106598  5.504673
8          G  5.647446  6.043921
9          C  6.601924  6.358550

Helical Parameter: tip
  Base Pair       mean        std
0          G  2.512608   5.728359
1          C -5.681794   6.177066
2          G  0.907828   6.084601
3          A  0.569286   5.347552
4          A  1.306582   4.845978
5          T -1.227768   5.019692
6          T -0.568284   5.338846
7          C -0.767708   6.048420
8          G  5.821194   6.102313
9          C -2.578986  10.627202

Helical Parameter: xdisp
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G -0.659664  0.857688
1          C -0.487874  0.832502
2          G -0.421234  0.867164
3          A -0.937412  0.731117
4          A -1.150654  0.600304
5          T -1.149698  0.604352
6          T -0.933022  0.736415
7          C -0.428964  0.875973
8          G -0.560260  0.827803
9          C -0.704972  0.883845

Helical Parameter: ydisp
  Base Pair       mean       std
0          G  0.031522  0.563973
1          C -0.185588  0.531173
2          G -0.029302  0.526326
3          A  0.089948  0.507185
4          A  0.132712  0.462237
5          T -0.133432  0.454954
6          T -0.113044  0.506105
7          C  0.002278  0.526475
8          G  0.176116  0.529698
9          C -0.071754  0.554503

Plotting the average values for all Axis base-pair helical parameters

images = []
for helpar in axis_base_pairs:
    images.append(helpar + '.averages.jpg')

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(30, 20))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    y = i%2
    x = int(i/2)

    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[x,y].imshow(img, aspect='auto')



Nucleic Acid Structure’s strand backbones appear closer together on one side of the helix than on the other. This creates a Major groove (where backbones are far apart) and a Minor groove (where backbones are close together). Depth and width of these grooves can be mesured giving information about the different conformations that the nucleic acid structure can achieve.

  • Major Groove Width.

  • Major Groove Depth.

  • Minor Groove Width.

  • Minor Groove Depth.

Grooves Parameters

Building Block used:

Computing average values from all Grooves parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_averages import dna_averages

for helpar in grooves:

    #input_file_path = canal_out + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    output_averages_jpg_path= helpar+'.averages.jpg'

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq


Showing the calculated average values for all Grooves parameters

for helpar in grooves:
    output_averages_csv_path= helpar+'.averages.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(output_averages_csv_path)
    print("Helical Parameter: " + helpar)
Helical Parameter: majd
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC       NaN       NaN
1             CG -0.703077  1.362241
2             GA  3.396398  1.402178
3             AA  5.710123  1.406443
4             AT  5.156143  1.346752
5             TT  5.139702  1.337523
6             TC  5.735556  1.447770
7             CG  3.371511  1.402279
8             GC -0.644086  1.444480

Helical Parameter: majw
  Base Pair Step       mean       std
0             GC        NaN       NaN
1             CG  13.040615  1.300370
2             GA  12.664800  1.419105
3             AA  11.986143  1.670021
4             AT  11.476450  1.797558
5             TT  11.472435  1.740485
6             TC  11.964836  1.648435
7             CG  12.508447  1.419017
8             GC  12.819785  1.347786

Helical Parameter: mind
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC       NaN       NaN
1             CG  3.932224  1.148757
2             GA  5.100660  1.114656
3             AA  4.926210  0.677415
4             AT  4.968002  0.453657
5             TT  4.966188  0.452291
6             TC  4.912856  0.690885
7             CG  5.121034  1.132328
8             GC  3.969312  1.021299

Helical Parameter: minw
  Base Pair Step      mean       std
0             GC       NaN       NaN
1             CG  7.713347  1.175525
2             GA  6.789962  1.405118
3             AA  5.296306  1.332686
4             AT  4.160776  1.113765
5             TT  4.109198  1.119448
6             TC  5.376128  1.314328
7             CG  6.827374  1.402630
8             GC  7.729192  1.148585

Plotting the average values for all Grooves helical parameters

images = []
for helpar in grooves:
    images.append(helpar + '.averages.jpg')

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(30, 20))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    y = i%2
    x = int(i/2)

    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[x,y].imshow(img, aspect='auto')


Backbone Torsions

The three major elements of flexibility in the backbone are:

  • Sugar Puckering:

    Sugar Puckering annotation is done by dividing the pseudo-rotational circle in four equivalent sections:

    • North: 315:45º

    • East: 45:135º

    • South: 135:225º

    • West: 225:315º

These four conformations are those dominating sugar conformational space, in agreement with all available experimental data.

  • Canonical Alpha/Gamma:

    Rotations around α/γ torsions generate non-canonical local conformations leading to a reduced twist and they have been reported as being important in the formation of several protein-DNA complexes.

  • BI/BII Population:

    The concerted rotation around ζ/ε torsions generates two major conformers: BI and BII, which are experimentally known to co-exist in a ratio around 80%:20% (BI:BII) in B-DNA.

Sugar Puckering Canonical Alpha/Gamma BI/BII population

Sugar Puckering

Canonical Alpha/Gamma

BI/BII population

Building Blocks used:

Sugar Puckering

Computing average values
from biobb_dna.backbone.puckering import puckering

canal_phaseC = "canal_out/canal_output_phaseC.ser"
canal_phaseW = "canal_out/canal_output_phaseW.ser"

output_puckering_csv_path = 'puckering.averages.csv'
output_puckering_jpg_path = 'puckering.averages.jpg'

prop = {
    'sequence': seq

Showing the calculated average values
df = pd.read_csv(output_puckering_csv_path)
Nucleotide North East West South
0 C5'-1 1.82 8.84 0.02 89.32
1 G-2 0.10 5.92 0.02 93.96
2 C-3 3.36 20.02 0.00 76.60
3 G-4 0.76 7.52 0.00 91.72
4 A-5 4.16 6.72 0.00 89.10
5 A-6 3.04 16.44 0.00 80.50
6 T-7 1.16 34.06 0.00 64.76
7 T-8 1.50 30.36 0.00 68.10
8 C-9 4.00 24.56 0.00 71.44
9 G-10 0.60 6.40 0.02 92.98
10 C-11 1.72 13.38 0.00 84.90
11 G3'-12 1.18 17.28 0.04 81.50
12 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13 G5'-12 3.44 12.72 0.02 83.80
14 C-11 0.16 5.56 0.00 94.24
15 G-10 3.14 20.70 0.00 76.14
16 C-9 0.70 7.32 0.00 91.98
17 T-8 3.64 7.04 0.00 89.32
18 T-7 3.02 14.58 0.02 82.38
19 A-6 0.96 33.82 0.00 65.22
20 A-5 1.00 28.42 0.00 70.58
21 G-4 4.00 23.96 0.02 71.98
22 C-3 0.24 7.14 0.02 92.60
23 G-2 1.72 12.86 0.00 85.40
24 C3'-1 1.40 16.46 0.00 82.12
Plotting the average values
Image(filename=output_puckering_jpg_path,width = 600)


Canonical Alpha/Gamma

Computing average values
from biobb_dna.backbone.canonicalag import canonicalag

canal_alphaC = "canal_out/canal_output_alphaC.ser"
canal_alphaW = "canal_out/canal_output_alphaW.ser"
canal_gammaC = "canal_out/canal_output_gammaC.ser"
canal_gammaW = "canal_out/canal_output_gammaW.ser"

output_alphagamma_csv_path = 'alphagamma.averages.csv'
output_alphagamma_jpg_path = 'alphagamma.averages.jpg'

prop = {
    'sequence': seq

Showing the calculated average values
df = pd.read_csv(output_alphagamma_csv_path)
Nucleotide Canonical alpha/gamma
0 C5'-1 0.00
1 G-2 96.76
2 C-3 89.66
3 G-4 92.70
4 A-5 98.30
5 A-6 94.52
6 T-7 99.56
7 T-8 97.86
8 C-9 99.54
9 G-10 99.64
10 C-11 99.72
11 G3'-12 98.24
12 - 0.00
13 G5'-12 0.00
14 C-11 95.42
15 G-10 93.56
16 C-9 95.40
17 T-8 99.38
18 T-7 95.36
19 A-6 98.28
20 A-5 96.70
21 G-4 93.86
22 C-3 98.70
23 G-2 100.00
24 C3'-1 99.78
Plotting the average values
Image(filename=output_alphagamma_jpg_path,width = 600)


BI/BII Population

Computing average values
from biobb_dna.backbone.bipopulations import bipopulations

canal_epsilC = "canal_out/canal_output_epsilC.ser"
canal_epsilW = "canal_out/canal_output_epsilW.ser"
canal_zetaC = "canal_out/canal_output_zetaC.ser"
canal_zetaW = "canal_out/canal_output_zetaW.ser"

output_bIbII_csv_path = 'bIbII.averages.csv'
output_bIbII_jpg_path = 'bIbII.averages.jpg'

prop = {
    'sequence': seq

Showing the calculated average values
df = pd.read_csv(output_bIbII_csv_path)
Nucleotide BI population BII population
0 C5'-1 83.523295 16.476705
1 G-2 74.085183 25.914817
2 C-3 85.982803 14.017197
3 G-4 75.924815 24.075185
4 A-5 67.846431 32.153569
5 A-6 59.588082 40.411918
6 T-7 65.406919 34.593081
7 T-8 75.524895 24.475105
8 C-9 79.504099 20.495901
9 G-10 77.644471 22.355529
10 C-11 82.003599 17.996401
11 G3'-12 0.000000 100.000000
12 - 0.000000 100.000000
13 G5'-12 82.443511 17.556489
14 C-11 73.305339 26.694661
15 G-10 84.483103 15.516897
16 C-9 74.305139 25.694861
17 T-8 67.606479 32.393521
18 T-7 59.568086 40.431914
19 A-6 67.126575 32.873425
20 A-5 76.984603 23.015397
21 G-4 80.243951 19.756049
22 C-3 77.604479 22.395521
23 G-2 81.443711 18.556289
24 C3'-1 0.000000 100.000000
Plotting the average values
Image(filename=output_bIbII_jpg_path,width = 600)


Extracting Time series Helical Parameters

Time series values for the set of helical parameters can be also extracted from the output of Curves+/Canal execution on Molecular Dynamics Trajectories. The helical parameters can be divided in the same 5 main blocks previously introduced:

  • Helical Base Pair Step (Inter-Base Pair) Helical Parameters

  • Helical Base Pair (Intra-Base Pair) Helical Parameters

  • Axis Base Pair

  • Grooves

  • Backbone Torsions

Building Block used:

Extracting a particular Helical Parameter

Time series values can be extracted from any of the helical parameters previously introduced. To illustrate the steps needed, the base-pair step helical parameter Twist has been selected. Please note that computing the time series values for a different helical parameter just requires modifying the helpar variable from the next cell.

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

# Modify the next variable to extract time series values for a different helical parameter
# Possible values are: 
    # Base Pair Step (Inter Base Pair) Helical Parameters: shift, slide, rise, tilt, roll, twist 
    # Base Pair (Intra Base Pair) Helical Parameters: shear, stretch, stagger, buckle, propeller, opening
    # Axis Parameters: inclin, tip, xdisp, ydisp
    # Backbone Torsions Parameters: alphaC, alphaW, betaC, betaW, gammaC, gammaW, deltaC, deltaW,
    #                                epsilC, epsilW, zetaC, zetaW, chiC, chiW, phaseC, phaseW
    # Grooves: mind, minw, majd, majw

helpar = "twist" # Modify this variable to extract time series values for a different helical parameter

input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
output_timeseries_file_path = helpar + ''

prop = {
    'helpar_name': helpar,
    'sequence': seq


Extracting time series results for the selected helical parameter in a temporary folder

timeseries_dir = "timeseries"

if Path(timeseries_dir).exists(): shutil.rmtree(timeseries_dir) 

with zipfile.ZipFile(output_timeseries_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref:

Finding out all the possible nucleotide / base / base-pair / base-pair steps

Discover all the possible nucleotide / base / base-pair / base-pair steps from the sequence. The unit will depend on the helical parameter being studied.
Select one of them to study the time series values of the helical parameter along the simulation.

helpartimesfiles = glob.glob(timeseries_dir + "/*series*.csv") 

helpartimes = []
for file in helpartimesfiles:
    new_string = file.replace(timeseries_dir + "/series_" + helpar + "_", "")
    new_string = new_string.replace(".csv" , "")
timesel = ipywidgets.Dropdown(
    description='Sel. BPS:',

Showing the time series values for the selected unit

file_ser = timeseries_dir + "/series_" + helpar + "_" + timesel.value + ".csv"

df = pd.read_csv(file_ser)
Unnamed: 0 6_TT
0 0 24.83
1 1 36.78
2 2 41.00
3 3 33.50
4 4 29.68
... ... ...
4995 4995 42.40
4996 4996 44.61
4997 4997 39.61
4998 4998 36.93
4999 4999 36.63

5000 rows × 2 columns

file_hist = timeseries_dir + "/hist_" + helpar + "_" + timesel.value + ".csv"

df = pd.read_csv(file_hist)
twist density
0 14.410000 1.0
1 15.203617 0.0
2 15.997234 2.0
3 16.790851 1.0
4 17.584468 1.0
5 18.378085 1.0
6 19.171702 5.0
7 19.965319 3.0
8 20.758936 5.0
9 21.552553 11.0
10 22.346170 10.0
11 23.139787 21.0
12 23.933404 20.0
13 24.727021 34.0
14 25.520638 43.0
15 26.314255 61.0
16 27.107872 80.0
17 27.901489 91.0
18 28.695106 114.0
19 29.488723 138.0
20 30.282340 176.0
21 31.075957 181.0
22 31.869574 208.0
23 32.663191 248.0
24 33.456809 265.0
25 34.250426 280.0
26 35.044043 300.0
27 35.837660 327.0
28 36.631277 321.0
29 37.424894 304.0
30 38.218511 270.0
31 39.012128 298.0
32 39.805745 243.0
33 40.599362 234.0
34 41.392979 196.0
35 42.186596 169.0
36 42.980213 115.0
37 43.773830 78.0
38 44.567447 47.0
39 45.361064 39.0
40 46.154681 18.0
41 46.948298 17.0
42 47.741915 10.0
43 48.535532 9.0
44 49.329149 2.0
45 50.122766 1.0
46 50.916383 2.0

Plotting the time series values for the selected base-pair step

file_ser = timeseries_dir + "/series_" + helpar + "_" + timesel.value + ".jpg"
file_hist = timeseries_dir + "/hist_" + helpar + "_" + timesel.value + ".jpg"

images = []


f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(50, 15))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[i].imshow(img, aspect='auto')


Computing timeseries for all base-pair step parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

output_timeseries_bps_file_paths = {}
for helpar in base_pair_step:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_timeseries_bps_file_paths[helpar] = helpar + ''

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq

#if Path(timeseries_dir).exists(): shutil.rmtree(timeseries_dir) 

for timeseries_zipfile in output_timeseries_bps_file_paths.values():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(timeseries_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:

Computing timeseries for all base-pair parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

output_timeseries_bp_file_paths = {}
for helpar in base_pair:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_timeseries_bp_file_paths[helpar] = helpar + ''

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq

#if Path(timeseries_dir).exists(): shutil.rmtree(timeseries_dir) 

for timeseries_zipfile in output_timeseries_bp_file_paths.values():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(timeseries_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:

Computing timeseries for all axis parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

output_timeseries_bp_file_paths = {}
for helpar in axis_base_pairs:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_timeseries_bp_file_paths[helpar] = helpar + ''

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq

for timeseries_zipfile in output_timeseries_bp_file_paths.values():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(timeseries_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:

Computing timeseries for all grooves parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

output_timeseries_bp_file_paths = {}
for helpar in grooves:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_timeseries_bp_file_paths[helpar] = helpar + ''

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq

for timeseries_zipfile in output_timeseries_bp_file_paths.values():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(timeseries_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:

Computing timeseries for all backbone torsions parameters

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_timeseries import dna_timeseries

output_timeseries_bp_file_paths = {}
for helpar in backbone_torsions:

    input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
    output_timeseries_bp_file_paths[helpar] = helpar + ''

    prop = {
        'helpar_name': helpar,
        'sequence': seq

for timeseries_zipfile in output_timeseries_bp_file_paths.values():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(timeseries_zipfile, 'r') as zip_ref:


Molecular stiffness is an elastic force constant associated with helical deformation at the base pair step level and is determined by inversion of the covariance matrix in helical space, which yields stiffness matrices whose diagonal elements provide the stiffness constants associated with pure rotational (twist, roll and tilt) and translational (rise, shift and slide) deformations within the given step.

Stiffness Matrix

Building Blocks used:

from biobb_dna.stiffness.average_stiffness import average_stiffness

helpar = "twist" # Modify this variable to extract time series values for a different helical parameter

input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
output_stiffness_csv_path = helpar + '.stiffness.csv'
output_stiffness_jpg_path = helpar + '.stiffness.jpg'

prop = { 
    'sequence' : seq

df = pd.read_csv(output_stiffness_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 twist_stiffness
0 GC 0.029784
1 CG 0.018300
2 GA 0.028595
3 AA 0.033391
4 AT 0.057062
5 TT 0.031410
6 TC 0.029772
7 CG 0.019181
8 GC 0.031688
9 CG 0.005167
Image(filename=output_stiffness_jpg_path,width = 600)


from biobb_dna.stiffness.basepair_stiffness import basepair_stiffness

timeseries_shift = timeseries_dir+"/series_shift_" + timesel.value + ".csv"
timeseries_slide = timeseries_dir+"/series_slide_" + timesel.value + ".csv"
timeseries_rise = timeseries_dir+"/series_rise_" + timesel.value + ".csv"
timeseries_tilt = timeseries_dir+"/series_tilt_" + timesel.value + ".csv"
timeseries_roll = timeseries_dir+"/series_roll_" + timesel.value + ".csv"
timeseries_twist = timeseries_dir+"/series_twist_" + timesel.value + ".csv"

output_stiffness_bps_csv_path = "stiffness_bps.csv"
output_stiffness_bps_jpg_path = "stiffness_bps.jpg"

df = pd.read_csv(output_stiffness_bps_csv_path)
6_TT shift slide rise tilt roll twist
0 shift 1.565629 -0.750135 -0.335147 -0.263984 -0.153248 -0.220935
1 slide -0.750135 3.535266 1.335823 -0.095199 -0.287142 -2.104566
2 rise -0.335147 1.335823 5.158742 0.637038 0.415877 -1.293672
3 tilt -0.024904 -0.008981 0.060098 0.235447 0.015406 -0.008404
4 roll -0.014457 -0.027089 0.039234 0.015406 0.119149 0.038313
5 twist -0.020843 -0.198544 -0.122045 -0.008404 0.038313 0.412179
Image(filename=output_stiffness_bps_jpg_path,width = 600)



Base-pair steps helical parameters usually follow a normal (Gaussian-like) distribution. However, recent studies observed bimodal distributions in some base-pair steps for twist and slide, highlighting potential caveats on the harmonic approximation implicit in elastic analysis and mesoscopic models of DNA flexibility.

Twist bimodality

μABC: a systematic microsecond molecular dynamics study of tetranucleotide sequence effects in B-DNA
Marco Pasi, John H Maddocks, David Beveridge, Thomas C Bishop, David A Case, Thomas Cheatham 3rd, Pablo D Dans, B Jayaram, Filip Lankas, Charles Laughton, Jonathan Mitchell, Roman Osman, Modesto Orozco, Alberto Pérez, Daiva Petkevičiūtė, Nada Spackova, Jiri Sponer, Krystyna Zakrzewska, Richard Lavery
Nucleic Acids Research 2014, Volume 42, Issue 19, Pages 12272-12283

Exploring polymorphisms in B-DNA helical conformations
Pablo D Dans, Alberto Pérez, Ignacio Faustino, Richard Lavery, Modesto Orozco
Nucleic Acids Research 2012, Volume 40, Issue 21, Pages 10668-10678

A systematic molecular dynamics study of nearest-neighbor effects on base pair and base pair step conformations and fluctuations in B-DNA
Lavery R, Zakrzewska K, Beveridge D, Bishop TC, Case DA, Cheatham T, III, Dixit S, Jayaram B, Lankas F, Laughton C, John H Maddocks, Alexis Michon, Roman Osman, Modesto Orozco, Alberto Perez, Tanya Singh, Nada Spackova, Jiri Sponer
Nucleic Acids Research 2010, Volume 38, Pages 299–313

Building Block used:

from biobb_dna.dna.dna_bimodality import dna_bimodality

helpar = "twist"
input_csv = timeseries_dir+"/series_"+helpar+"_"+timesel.value+'.csv'
#input_csv = "/Users/hospital/biobb_tutorials/biobb_dna/timeseries"+"/series_"+timesel.value+'.csv' # <-- TO BE REPLACED BY PREVIOUS LINE 

output_bimodality_csv = helpar+'.bimodality.csv'
output_bimodality_jpg = helpar+'.bimodality.jpg'

prop = {
    'max_iter': 500
file_hist = timeseries_dir + "/hist_" + helpar + "_" + timesel.value + ".jpg"
file_bi = helpar + ".bimodality.jpg"

images = []


f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(50, 15))

for i, image in enumerate(images):
    img = mpimg.imread(image)

    axarr[i].imshow(img, aspect='auto')



Sequence-dependent correlation movements have been identified in DNA conformational analysis at the base pair and base pair-step level. Trinucleotides were found to show moderate to high correlations in some intra base pair helical parameter (e.g. shear-opening, shear-stretch, stagger-buckle). Similarly, some tetranucleotides are showing strong correlations in their inter base pair helical parameters (e.g. shift-tilt, slide-twist, rise-tilt, shift-slide, and shift-twist in RR steps), with negative correlations in the shift-slide and roll-twist cases. Correlations are also observed in the combination of inter- and intra-helical parameters (e.g. shift-opening, rise-buckle, stagger-tilt). Correlations analysis can be also extended to neighboring steps (e.g. twist in the central YR step of XYRR tetranucleotides with slide in the adjacent RR step).

Rise correlations

The static and dynamic structural heterogeneities of B-DNA: extending Calladine–Dickerson rules
Pablo D Dans, Alexandra Balaceanu, Marco Pasi, Alessandro S Patelli, Daiva Petkevičiūtė, Jürgen Walther, Adam Hospital, Genís Bayarri, Richard Lavery, John H Maddocks, Modesto Orozco Nucleic Acids Research 2019, Volume 47, Issue 21, Pages 11090-11102

Building Blocks used:

  • intraseqcorr from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intraseqcorr

  • interseqcorr from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interseqcorr

  • intrahpcorr from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intrahpcorr

  • interhpcorr from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interhpcorr

  • intrabpcorr from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intrabpcorr

  • interbpcorr from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interbpcorr

Sequence Correlations: Intra-base pairs

from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intraseqcorr import intraseqcorr

input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
output_intrabp_correlation_csv_path = helpar+'.intrabp_correlation.csv'
output_intrabp_correlation_jpg_path = helpar+'.intrabp_correlation.jpg'

    'sequence' : seq,
#    'helpar_name' : 'Rise'

df = pd.read_csv(output_intrabp_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 G C G_dup A A_dup T T_dup C_dup G_dup_dup C_dup_dup
0 G 1.000000 -0.358404 0.068163 0.009405 0.001087 0.019698 -0.015957 0.007849 0.031577 0.010621
1 C -0.358404 1.000000 -0.448247 -0.007771 0.026130 -0.000455 -0.005333 -0.013427 0.001874 0.025165
2 G_dup 0.068163 -0.448247 1.000000 -0.335686 -0.048327 -0.029954 0.018416 0.013668 -0.026111 0.016239
3 A 0.009405 -0.007771 -0.335686 1.000000 -0.293111 0.070316 -0.003760 0.006406 -0.000036 0.007260
4 A_dup 0.001087 0.026130 -0.048327 -0.293111 1.000000 -0.273114 -0.056474 0.001153 -0.002821 -0.016981
5 T 0.019698 -0.000455 -0.029954 0.070316 -0.273114 1.000000 -0.335193 -0.006889 -0.001462 0.017912
6 T_dup -0.015957 -0.005333 0.018416 -0.003760 -0.056474 -0.335193 1.000000 -0.447663 0.059009 0.019932
7 C_dup 0.007849 -0.013427 0.013668 0.006406 0.001153 -0.006889 -0.447663 1.000000 -0.372677 0.014933
8 G_dup_dup 0.031577 0.001874 -0.026111 -0.000036 -0.002821 -0.001462 0.059009 -0.372677 1.000000 -0.236134
9 C_dup_dup 0.010621 0.025165 0.016239 0.007260 -0.016981 0.017912 0.019932 0.014933 -0.236134 1.000000
Image(filename=output_intrabp_correlation_jpg_path,width = 600)


Sequence Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interseqcorr import interseqcorr

input_file_path = "canal_out/canal_output" + "_" + helpar + ".ser"
output_interbp_correlation_csv_path = helpar+'.interbp_correlation.csv'
output_interbp_correlation_jpg_path = helpar+'.interbp_correlation.jpg'

    'sequence' : seq,
#    'helpar_name' : 'Rise'

df = pd.read_csv(output_interbp_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 GC CG GA AA AT TT TC CG_dup GC_dup CG_dup_dup
0 GC 1.000000 -0.358404 0.068163 0.009405 0.001087 0.019698 -0.015957 0.007849 0.031577 0.010621
1 CG -0.358404 1.000000 -0.448247 -0.007771 0.026130 -0.000455 -0.005333 -0.013427 0.001874 0.025165
2 GA 0.068163 -0.448247 1.000000 -0.335686 -0.048327 -0.029954 0.018416 0.013668 -0.026111 0.016239
3 AA 0.009405 -0.007771 -0.335686 1.000000 -0.293111 0.070316 -0.003760 0.006406 -0.000036 0.007260
4 AT 0.001087 0.026130 -0.048327 -0.293111 1.000000 -0.273114 -0.056474 0.001153 -0.002821 -0.016981
5 TT 0.019698 -0.000455 -0.029954 0.070316 -0.273114 1.000000 -0.335193 -0.006889 -0.001462 0.017912
6 TC -0.015957 -0.005333 0.018416 -0.003760 -0.056474 -0.335193 1.000000 -0.447663 0.059009 0.019932
7 CG_dup 0.007849 -0.013427 0.013668 0.006406 0.001153 -0.006889 -0.447663 1.000000 -0.372677 0.014933
8 GC_dup 0.031577 0.001874 -0.026111 -0.000036 -0.002821 -0.001462 0.059009 -0.372677 1.000000 -0.236134
9 CG_dup_dup 0.010621 0.025165 0.016239 0.007260 -0.016981 0.017912 0.019932 0.014933 -0.236134 1.000000
Image(filename=output_interbp_correlation_jpg_path,width = 600)


Helical Parameter Correlations: Intra-base pair

from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intrahpcorr import intrahpcorr

timeseries_shear = timeseries_dir+"/series_shear_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"
timeseries_stretch = timeseries_dir+"/series_stretch_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"
timeseries_stagger = timeseries_dir+"/series_stagger_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"
timeseries_buckle = timeseries_dir+"/series_buckle_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"
timeseries_propel = timeseries_dir+"/series_propel_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"
timeseries_opening = timeseries_dir+"/series_opening_"+timesel.value[:-1]+".csv"

output_helpar_bp_correlation_csv_path = "helpar_bp_correlation.csv"
output_helpar_bp_correlation_jpg_path = "helpar_bp_correlation.jpg"

df = pd.read_csv(output_helpar_bp_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 shear stretch stagger buckle propel opening
0 shear 1.000000 -0.122310 0.062783 -0.024045 0.012255 0.066297
1 stretch -0.122310 1.000000 -0.024948 -0.141840 -0.034225 0.396172
2 stagger 0.062783 -0.024948 1.000000 -0.172773 -0.253086 0.138571
3 buckle -0.024045 -0.141840 -0.172773 1.000000 0.029668 0.000972
4 propel 0.012255 -0.034225 -0.253086 0.029668 1.000000 -0.138484
5 opening 0.066297 0.396172 0.138571 0.000972 -0.138484 1.000000
Image(filename=output_helpar_bp_correlation_jpg_path,width = 600)


Helical Parameter Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interhpcorr import interhpcorr

timeseries_shift = timeseries_dir+"/series_shift_"+timesel.value+".csv"
timeseries_slide = timeseries_dir+"/series_slide_"+timesel.value+".csv"
timeseries_rise = timeseries_dir+"/series_rise_"+timesel.value+".csv"
timeseries_tilt = timeseries_dir+"/series_tilt_"+timesel.value+".csv"
timeseries_roll = timeseries_dir+"/series_roll_"+timesel.value+".csv"
timeseries_twist = timeseries_dir+"/series_twist_"+timesel.value+".csv"

output_helpar_bps_correlation_csv_path = "helpar_bps_correlation.csv"
output_helpar_bps_correlation_jpg_path = "helpar_bps_correlation.jpg"

df = pd.read_csv(output_helpar_bps_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 shift slide rise tilt roll twist
0 shift 1.000000 0.439831 0.006659 0.166307 0.113906 0.318624
1 slide 0.439831 1.000000 -0.207299 0.151236 0.141627 0.541202
2 rise 0.006659 -0.207299 1.000000 -0.173336 -0.224263 0.147534
3 tilt 0.166307 0.151236 -0.173336 1.000000 -0.032611 0.084610
4 roll 0.113906 0.141627 -0.224263 -0.032611 1.000000 -0.109835
5 twist 0.318624 0.541202 0.147534 0.084610 -0.109835 1.000000
Image(filename=output_helpar_bps_correlation_jpg_path,width = 600)


Neighboring steps Correlations: Intra-base pair

from biobb_dna.intrabp_correlations.intrabpcorr import intrabpcorr

canal_shear = canal_dir+"/canal_output_shear.ser"
canal_stretch = canal_dir+"/canal_output_stretch.ser"
canal_stagger = canal_dir+"/canal_output_stagger.ser"
canal_buckle = canal_dir+"/canal_output_buckle.ser"
canal_propel = canal_dir+"/canal_output_propel.ser"
canal_opening = canal_dir+"/canal_output_opening.ser"

output_bp_correlation_csv_path = "bp_correlation.csv"
output_bp_correlation_jpg_path = "bp_correlation.jpg"

prop = {
    'sequence' : seq

df = pd.read_csv(output_bp_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 shear/shear shear/stretch shear/stagger shear/buckle shear/propel shear/opening stretch/shear stretch/stretch stretch/stagger ... propel/stagger propel/buckle propel/propel propel/opening opening/shear opening/stretch opening/stagger opening/buckle opening/propel opening/opening
0 GC -0.005642 0.018630 -0.025087 -0.010539 0.024243 0.019345 -0.011061 0.021519 -0.020824 ... -0.024222 0.005585 0.006706 -0.021960 -0.010185 0.006839 -0.011742 0.001443 0.005266 0.019129
1 CG 0.020041 0.051434 0.001951 -0.059043 0.027216 0.045336 -0.051213 -0.033895 0.009731 ... 0.047045 -0.335039 -0.122872 -0.067494 -0.047289 -0.037659 0.023410 -0.105277 -0.082899 0.005289
2 GA -0.037801 0.027801 -0.015043 -0.105601 0.073992 0.025790 -0.010322 0.043308 0.011708 ... 0.073619 -0.176741 -0.051962 0.003138 0.029520 0.005160 0.051622 0.007026 -0.017732 0.021906
3 AA 0.023788 -0.000117 -0.004595 -0.027747 -0.031901 -0.041804 0.023817 -0.006556 -0.005822 ... -0.061579 -0.147203 -0.004269 -0.050649 -0.039697 0.035455 -0.018540 -0.093678 -0.048917 0.042879
4 AT 0.032575 0.003270 -0.028156 -0.070385 -0.066959 0.021602 0.014530 0.014772 -0.047132 ... -0.113304 -0.173226 0.107649 0.019869 -0.036929 -0.020634 -0.030510 0.021788 0.036952 0.119437
5 TT -0.010285 -0.009504 0.035414 0.004137 0.003110 0.052842 -0.020711 0.005863 -0.007229 ... -0.091332 -0.132041 0.183310 0.023056 -0.051025 0.023035 -0.017409 0.003068 0.010977 0.191239
6 TC 0.002390 0.003433 -0.024093 0.014480 -0.012981 0.059420 0.030606 0.011428 0.005235 ... -0.019650 -0.152708 0.080905 0.021846 -0.012044 0.067861 -0.083172 0.048029 0.028434 0.151051
7 CG -0.027842 0.002501 0.014905 0.010619 0.018963 0.030263 -0.020690 0.016758 0.033150 ... 0.063238 -0.222382 0.012536 -0.021479 -0.042303 0.020077 0.014984 -0.018558 -0.076957 0.006822
8 GC -0.030918 0.025377 0.047997 -0.149693 0.032799 0.004369 -0.029652 0.018781 0.037963 ... 0.063868 -0.188492 -0.044925 -0.027264 -0.025809 0.027768 0.030092 -0.062296 0.025229 0.019334
9 CG -0.001727 0.039837 0.013472 -0.031293 -0.014562 0.043469 -0.018693 -0.008573 0.026310 ... 0.044891 -0.303367 -0.113362 -0.080200 -0.018591 -0.029267 0.032287 -0.095808 -0.074735 -0.005167

10 rows × 37 columns

Image(filename=output_bp_correlation_jpg_path,width = 800)


Neighboring steps Correlations: Inter-base pair steps

from biobb_dna.interbp_correlations.interbpcorr import interbpcorr

canal_shift = canal_dir+"/canal_output_shift.ser"
canal_slide = canal_dir+"/canal_output_slide.ser"
canal_rise = canal_dir+"/canal_output_rise.ser"
canal_tilt = canal_dir+"/canal_output_tilt.ser"
canal_roll = canal_dir+"/canal_output_roll.ser"
canal_twist = canal_dir+"/canal_output_twist.ser"

output_bps_correlation_csv_path = "bps_correlation.csv"
output_bps_correlation_jpg_path = "bps_correlation.jpg"

prop = {
    'sequence' : seq

df = pd.read_csv(output_bps_correlation_csv_path)
Unnamed: 0 shift/shift shift/slide shift/rise shift/tilt shift/roll shift/twist slide/shift slide/slide slide/rise ... roll/rise roll/tilt roll/roll roll/twist twist/shift twist/slide twist/rise twist/tilt twist/roll twist/twist
0 GCG -0.034515 -0.013978 0.028504 -0.016774 0.007526 -0.019706 -0.005945 0.003258 0.016998 ... -0.024289 0.034074 -0.014922 0.002918 0.024087 0.011902 -0.018600 -0.000658 0.004749 0.031633
1 CGA -0.620729 -0.213534 0.153552 -0.379811 -0.069482 0.090324 -0.185796 0.035204 -0.072609 ... 0.185182 0.239957 -0.327237 0.146238 -0.301986 -0.066687 -0.230273 -0.149935 0.234940 -0.358276
2 GAA -0.556258 -0.055634 0.106571 -0.307558 -0.124963 0.111320 0.336513 0.207062 0.010327 ... 0.243220 0.222142 -0.356105 0.262547 -0.112359 -0.169531 -0.267369 -0.017553 0.222109 -0.448559
3 AAT -0.422776 0.121578 0.172917 -0.120018 -0.234489 0.333776 0.200294 0.055308 -0.062561 ... 0.182963 0.269344 -0.261031 0.037170 -0.055827 -0.035366 -0.125160 -0.008524 0.080896 -0.336058
4 ATT -0.135159 0.048764 0.052558 0.152407 -0.137398 0.093877 -0.058611 0.177430 0.140074 ... 0.189502 0.241552 -0.262516 0.016017 -0.027548 -0.024130 -0.059852 -0.003261 0.031997 -0.293106
5 TTC -0.115228 0.074008 0.011805 0.204128 -0.216200 -0.032101 -0.028032 0.184504 0.114301 ... 0.113645 0.247625 -0.299766 -0.015864 -0.148998 0.111239 0.075143 0.053240 -0.015885 -0.273020
6 TCG -0.428290 -0.230813 0.116441 0.057122 -0.208447 -0.118440 -0.121029 0.055468 0.090725 ... 0.093449 0.287541 -0.273905 0.101453 -0.316904 -0.253028 -0.076103 -0.114819 0.066582 -0.335519
7 CGC -0.577276 -0.389311 0.286179 -0.324285 -0.179625 0.071846 0.054698 0.233093 -0.148480 ... 0.140274 0.210203 -0.362062 0.244422 -0.150061 -0.097582 -0.265051 -0.021533 0.240612 -0.447802
8 GCG -0.626682 0.229957 0.290226 -0.338901 -0.240202 0.328321 0.213949 0.040634 0.007077 ... 0.287660 0.196857 -0.327687 0.263437 -0.127565 -0.149207 -0.200700 -0.092674 0.171328 -0.372676

9 rows × 37 columns

Image(filename=output_bps_correlation_jpg_path,width = 800)


Questions & Comments

Questions, issues, suggestions and comments are really welcome!